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How to create a product label

On store back end go to Apps >> Product Label >> Click My Lables on the left menu (see image selow):
Step 1: Choose Filter for Product Type tab then set conditions for them. Has 6 types of filter:

-None: no products are determined, you should at least select a product at Step 2

-New Product: product are determined by date threshold or by range

-Sale Product: product are determined by diffrent price, in % or parvalue

-Expire Date: product are determined by expired date, seldom use

-Low Stock: to display a label if product is lowstock. 

-Out of Stock: to display a label if stock quantity is 0.

Note: you can exclude products by collection name, product name, product tag at this step:(see image below)

Step 2: Choose Specify Products tab if you want to show label on these products.
You can specify by name of collection, product name, or product tag(see image below):
Step 3: Choose Preview tab  to change badge, position, size(see image below):
+) In Preview tab choose Select Badge child tab:
You can set a badge by click on a label in "My Uploads" box or "Gallery" box(see image below):
+) In Preview tab choose Position child tab to set position of label:(see image below)
+) In Preview tab choose Size child tab to set size of label:
Default size of lable is calculated by percentage of image product size.(see image below)
 +) In Preview tab choose Others child tab to set:
-Name of lable
-The opacity property specifies the transparency of label 
-The z-index property specifies the stack order of label.(see image below)
Step 4: After Save button is clicked, Product Label app redirect to My Labels page and notify you a message(see image below).My labes
Step 5: You should go to store front to check your lables.

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